This is about you; this is about telling your story.

Capturing Memories

I got really into taking pictures a little over 5 years ago after I was so graciously gifted a fancy camera from my in laws at my oldest son's baby shower. I LOVED taking pictures at every event I went to; birthday parties, church events and every single football game of my brothers. I'll be honest, I was intimidated by my camera at first; there was (and still is) SO much to learn! My passion for picture taking started after my father-in-law passed away unexpectedly and way too young in the summer of 2019. When I realized all my family (physically) had left were the photographs, I became obsessed with documenting everything and everyone in my life. When I finally got brave enough to take this passion of mine to the next level, I was overwhelmed with how much JOY I felt documenting other's lives for & with them!